In 2011, Sonos would under-go a drastic rebrand. They would move away from their white, applesque style to a darker, edgier look. I created various promotional marketing material for them, including print adverts for both the national press and various hi-fi stores across the UK.
Sonos Advert for Simply Sonos appearing in Richmond Magazine, circa 2011 (Below)

Sonos PLAY:3 Advert for SevenOaks Audio & Vision appearing in BBC Focus Magazine, circa 2011 (Below)

Sonos ‘Free Bridge with PLAY:5’ Promotional Poster, circa 2011 (Below)

Sonos ‘Free Bridge with PLAY:3’ Promotional Poster, circa 2011 (Below)

Sonos Advert for Cornflake appearing in What HiFi Magazine, circa 2011 (Below)