Here’s artwork I created for Mattmac’s single, Run It featuring Caid Jones. Their record label asked for creative with a black light / night glow / light streaks look to it using the supplied images below.

I set about grabbing various royalty free textures and effects to give the impression of movement and to tie in with the look of the music video. As there would be various promotion for the song and video, I created a couple of variations of the hero image with the song title stacked and linear.

…this would allow for the best manipulation when used across various formats and image ratios online. I could then add the additional typography to produce the final cover for the song:

“Run It” is available on Soundcloud and all good streaming platforms right now!

There were also various other promotional graphics required along the theme for social channels and platforms, below are a couple to promote the video for the single:

You can check out the video for ‘Run It’ below: