Henge Docks X CU Adverts

Henge Docks Hero

Whilst at Computers Unlimited, a software and technology distributor, I got to work both directly and indirectly with a fair amount of big names in the industry, including a lot of companies producing hardware for Apple products, such as Henge Docks.

The examples of advertising below featured in national press and tech magazines such as T3, iCreate and MacUser. Henge Docks’ brand followed fairly closely to Apple’s own with its muted colour palette and clean product imagery.

For these I was supplied with copy and imagery to put together to be signed off by their head of marketing. Similar to many of the projects I produced at Computers Unlimited with not being particularly creative when selling hardware to resellers and end-users, I did gain a lot of experience in working to a wide range of brand guidelines and expectations.

Henge Docks Advert T3
Advert for T3 magazine
Henge Docks Advert MacUser
Advert for MacUser magazine
Henge Docks Advert MacUser
Advert for MacUser magazine
Henge Docks Advert iCreate
Advert for iCreate magazine
Henge Docks Advert Reseller
Reseller advert sheet

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